While it is not certain that the Stormy Daniels interview will appear on 60 Minutes this Sunday due to the Trump Administration’s effort to curb “treasonous speech” and jail Ms. Daniels, Faux News has obtained surreptitiously a tape of the interview. Due to its explosive contents 60 Minutes has devoted the entire program to the interview and extended the time to two hours. It has also alerted parents that no person under the age of 21 should be allowed to view the program. CBS believes that it will be the most watched television program of all time. It will be broadcast around the world using satellites and is expected to be viewed in every nation including North Korea, reaching an audience of 5.2 billion people. CBS has already sold enough ads to meet its budget for the entire year.
The most potentially damaging aspect of the program is that Ms. Daniels showed up with a host of friends all of whom reported current, ongoing affairs with the President. These included Hurricane Hannah, Cyclone Sally, Lightening Lilly, and Tsunami Sue. Last names of the four women were not available. All four women have recently joined the #MeToo Movement and are appearing to set the record straight and, they said, to get their lives back in order. The four friends of Ms. Daniels all live in the Mar-a-Lago Resort and “see” the President on a regular basis. When asked what they found attractive in the President, all four women and Ms. Daniels immediately stated his hair. Apparently there is something very attractive about a 70-year-old man with a huge clump of thinning, watered down, slicked back, yellow/orange hair. Other than that all five women reported that actually there was nothing attractive about the President at all. Their relationships, they said, were all based on money and were transactional—free room and board at Mar-a-Lago and a small stipend to cover clothes and jewelry.
The Trump Administration, having learned of the appearance of what is now being billed by CBS as “Stormy and the Fab Four,” countered with the assertion that the Fab Four and Ms. Daniels were actually advisers to the President and that the entire interview was nothing more than a dirty tricks stunt by the Democrats to embarrass him. They pointed out that the women were all authorities on climate change as noted by their names—Stormy, Hurricane, Cyclone, Lightening and Tsunami—and have been given high level positions at the Environmental Protection Agency in its climate change division. When pressed to explain what the climate change division was, the Trump spokesman replied that the Fab Four plus the recent addition of Ms. Daniels constituted the entire division and were defacto proof that climate change was a hoax.
It is not clear what political impact the program will have if it is allowed to be aired. The U.S. Supreme Court will determine if efforts by the White House to block the show represents a violation of free speech. The program includes several interviews of Trump supporters, who say they stand behind the President regardless what is said about him by anyone or whether he shot someone on Fifth Avenue. Several pointed out that he is shaking up Washington and that is exactly what he was elected to do.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Oh my goodness. This is so hilarious I’m crying. You should sell your blogs to the late night comedy shows. I’m serious. This is seriously funny stuff!!