Thank you visiting this website. I will admit that I had some misgivings about setting it up in the first place. For one thing it seemed a bit pretentious–to assume that anyone would have much interest in the photos I have taken over the years. On the other hand, I thought, hey, I’ve got all these photos and they are just sitting there in the depths of my computer or on iCloud or wherever they are hidden. Somebody might enjoy seeing some of them; and if I do not make an effort, no one will even have a chance. So here they are–at least a few of my best ones taken over the past 10 years. I am now in the process of digitizing some of my best pre digital photos and will post them in the coming months. Embry and I are planning a trip around the world (sans airplanes) starting in March and that will surely generate a bunch more as we travel by rail and bus through Europe, Russia and Siberia, Mongolia and China before boarding a container ship in Shanghai to head home in July. Hopefully I will figure out a way to post some of the photos taken on this journey.
The other thing I had some misgivings about is offering people the opportunity to buy prints of photos they might want to have, but I decided to do this for viewers who might be so inclined. But make no mistake: this is not a business venture, but rather a labor of love. Photography has been a life long passion. My goal is simply to make my best ones available for others to see. Thanks for taking a look.
–Joe Howell
December, Washington, DC