The gentleman stepped behind the podium and began to address the eager crowd.
We Republicans are now the party of the White Working Class.
We believe in killing minimum wage laws, which destroy your jobs.
We believe in killing socialized medicine like Obamacare so you can get good, cheap health care any time you want.
We believe labor unions should be outlawed. They keep you White Working Class people down.
We oppose subsidies to support childcare. We Republicans know what you White Working Class people want, and we think your women deserve to stay home with your young children where they belong.
We oppose subsidies to reduce the cost of higher education and oppose free community colleges. These subsidies will not help the White Working Class since we know you people have no interest in education.
We are against government spending on so called infrastructure projects, which waste money and do nothing for the White Working Class.
We are against letting immigrants into the US. They steal your jobs and rape your women.
We are against any new taxes. Income taxes hurt the White Working Class. You need to keep the few dollars you earn.
We are against all the elite, well-educated snobs who think they are better than you are. They should be locked up.
What we are for are voting restrictions that keep the enemies of the White Working Class from voting, and we are for balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility. We are also for tax breaks for the job creators—the one percenters and big corporations– so you working stiffs can keep your jobs.
And as for the climate change hoax? We know you want us to fight the Democrat’s job killing restrictions on carbon emissions and will fight them all the way.
So unite behind us, White Working Class! Our policies will make your lives better, the country stronger and guarantee a good life for all– just like we Republicans did under the leadership of our Great Leader who was robbed in the last election from continuing to rule, but who will return. We are the party of bold, new ideas. We are the party for you!
Yay! Faux news returns, brilliant cartoons and all! Thank you Joe!
Wish this was not true…..
I finally came back to your blog.
Glad you are back to writing the Faux News, i.e. actually more true than not.
I have been thinking to myself about the life span and how it will turn out.
We lost my dear cousin Mary Wasik’s husband Bob to cancer in the last day or so.
He made a valiant fight for two years with immuno- drugs against lung cancer. It had already spread to his leg
and was misdiagnosed for many months as a strained muscle.
Anyway, Diane has been recently Dxed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and is seriously slowed down.
She is just starting on hydroxy-chloroquine (yes, the anti-malaria drug Trump said falsely was good for Covid-19) is
used for autoimmune diseases like R.A. and lupus. We are hoping for a good response.
Finally, you need to add to the list of what the GOP does for us:
-We are for guns for everyone to protect ourselves against violent criminals, esp all those Black dudes who don’t work and also white liberals who want to take our guns away. ( In fact the TN gov. and GOP will soon pass a “constitutional carry” law which will not even require one to be trained or certified as a safe handler of guns.) TN is the pits for brains…